Introducing the Ralph Grove

In December 2019, we decided that instead of sending out gifts at Christmas that we would celebrate each client by planting a tree in their name to help combat climate change and encourage sustainability. We have kicked off the grove with 101 trees and plan to keep adding more each year to celebrate each of our clients. Take a look at our virtual grove here.

A number of tree species are being grown in our grove including Scots pine, willow, birch, rowan, hazel, alder, holly, aspen and bird cherry. The trees in this grove will be carefully planted in protected sites in the Scottish Highlands where they will create homes for wildlife and forests for the future.

You can find out more about the carbon offsetting scheme we are participating in at Trees for Life. Using Trees for Life's calculations that four mature trees will offset one tonne of carbon our initial planting of 101 trees has resulted in a carbon offset of just over 25 tonnes - not bad for our first year we think.




If you are passionate about your cause, or an organisation which does good, then come join the tribe! Our team at Ralph can help you harness your passion and articulate it in ways which inspires others and helps you achieve your goals.

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